I think it’s important to discuss WHO is meant to have empathy or give help to narcissists.
Because the ones they spent years bleeding dry cannot be expected to drain more blood for them.
If therapists manage to get them into a room, well, good luck with that. I have a great deal of optimism; but I also learned the hard way that you cannot help a narcissist. Not unless they have hit a rock bottom like Nebuchadnezzar.
I see two clear paths forward:
First, let’s prevent future generations from becoming narcissists by breaking the cycle. Children must be protected. Bad behavior cannot be enabled.
Second, let’s spend our time on the people in this world who CAN accept help and change. That’s enough of a task for one lifetime.
Loving a narcissist requires strong boundaries, self love, and NOT ALLOWING THEM ACCESS. You’d need the healing power of Wolverine.
It does not require a Pollyanna approach that treats them as sad, misunderstood victims. Fuck that.
That approach risks further harm to the survivors of narcissistic abuse.
And trust me, we’ve been through enough.