Member-only story
I Request an Amnesty Day for Trump Supporters
They’ve pushed themselves into a corner they can’t escape.
They’ve helped put arguably the most dangerous and stupid man in our history into the biggest chair in the country. They’ve endangered democracy itself.
If I hadn’t left fundamentalism, I could have been one of them, once upon a time.
That’s why I like to imagine that if we cut them a little slack, gave them a safe escape route to take without us shouting at them, maybe they could slink away and reinvent themselves after rethinking everything.
Is that overly optimistic?
I wonder what they would answer on a truly anonymous survey, if they felt safe and had maybe imbibed a couple of drinks and it was a rainy day. If they got real with themselves.
Do they really enjoy seeing him, hearing him, supporting him, after he took them all for fools and took their money and time and used it to stomp on our Constitution?
What if we gave them an Amnesty Day, where they could quietly change their party affiliation to Independent and give five dollars to a Liz Cheney election fund?
If we stopped calling them morons for a minute and gave some compassion, what would happen?