Member-only story
Casting Call: God
Wanted: someone to call in the dark night of the soul
Casting Call: God
You’re making a movie. The movie plays out in your bed, middle of the night. You’re anxious, afraid, awake. Rent due. Sickness. Pets. Family. Politics. Loneliness. Skin hunger.
You want to talk to someone; and God never sleeps, unlike your friends, who require sleeping pills and thus can’t wake up and talk to you in the night.
But what version of God do you call on? Old Testament? Sunday School Jesus? The “Universe”?
Morgan Freeman is the voice of God that we know and love. James Earl Jones has a heavenly voice as well. Idris Elba also comes to mind.
Yes, I know those are all black.
We already know who the white people’s God is, or at least who they think he is. They ambushed the Capitol Building on January 6th in his name. He hates all the same people they hate.
Which brings me to Old Smitey Whitey.
You know.
· The old grandfather with a long white beard, angrily shaking his fists and keeping people off his heavenly lawn.
· Pushing the smite button repeatedly to keep his justice satisfied