Blinded by the (LED) Light
I’m enraged by this quiet danger on the road
Do I even need to say it?
If you have ever tried to make it safely home at night in your car, only to have nuclear fission burn your eyeballs with the fury of a thousand suns from the rear-view mirrors AND the side mirrors, you get it.
Do these people KNOW they are a menace? Or are they just “making their way downtown” in blissful illumination, unaware that their presence, like rowdy nighttime beachgoers keeping sea turtles from breeding or hatching, is blinding their fellow travelers?
I’ve had to drive to work up a dark mountain recently at the butt-crack of dawn. I had to cover my violated eyeballs with SUNGLASSES to survive the drive.
Who do we lobby about this?
I know we’re all just trying to survive inflation and rent prices right now, but surely we can fix this tiny hell.
Who’s with me?
We ride at dawn. Bring sunglasses.