Did you ever watch a movie that put the character through TOO MUCH and you wanted to leave or turn it off?

That's my life. However, the turntables turn, and things do get better.

I've been through fundamentalism, poor health, infertility, international adoption, abandonment/cheating/divorce, parenting kids who have also been through too much and suffered, leaving the traditional church, lost friendships, multiple moves, bankruptcy, entrepreneurship, and rock bottom.

But it's okay; and I've learned a lot in the fire and changed into the actual self I was supposed to be all along. I'm learning that happiness is a possibility. Trying to believe it.

Religion sucks but God is love.

Elizabeth Park

Elizabeth Park

Van Gogh fan girl, loves good questions and people who listen; Spiritual life coach for anyone exhausted by narcissists salvagingyourstory.com